Meet laws and regulations to meet customer needs,National tendering agency integrity unit
湖北省成套招標股份有限公司受招標人委托對下列產品及服務進行國際公開競爭性招標,于2021-03-15在中國國際招標網公告。 本次招標采用傳統招標方式,現邀請合格投標人參加投標。 | ||||||||||
1、招標條件 | ||||||||||
項目概況:湖北新華印務有限公司智能膠裝聯動生產線采購 | ||||||||||
資金到位或資金來源落實情況:已落實 | ||||||||||
項目已具備招標條件的說明:已具備 | ||||||||||
2、招標內容: | ||||||||||
招標項目編號:0668-2140H0300013 | ||||||||||
招標項目名稱:湖北新華印務有限公司智能膠裝聯動生產線采購項目 | ||||||||||
項目實施地點:中國湖北省 | ||||||||||
招標產品列表(主要設備): | ||||||||||
3、投標人資格要求 | ||||||||||
投標人應具備的資格或業績:投標人提交的證明其中標后能履行合同的資格證明文件應包括下列文件: 1)如果投標人所投的貨物不是投標人自己制造的,投標人應得到制造商同意其在本次投標中提供該貨物的正式授權書; 2)制造商在專業技術、資源(人力資源、基礎設施、設備設施、工作環境等)、業績經驗等方面具有設計、制造、質量控制、經營管理并與招標項目規模、范圍和等級相匹配的資格和能力; 3)投標人具備類似本次招標貨物的業績,且產品運行良好,提供業績清單。 4)投標人開戶銀行在開標日前三個月內開具的資信證明原件或復印件 5)本次招標要求投標人提供的其它資格證明文件見招標文件第八章 貨物需求一覽表及技術規格提出的其他資格要求。 | ||||||||||
是否接受聯合體投標:不接受 | ||||||||||
未領購招標文件是否可以參加投標:不可以 | ||||||||||
4、招標文件的獲取 | ||||||||||
招標文件領購開始時間:2021-03-15 | ||||||||||
招標文件領購結束時間:2021-03-22 | ||||||||||
是否在線售賣標書:否 | ||||||||||
獲取招標文件方式:現場領購 | ||||||||||
招標文件領購地點:湖北省成套招標股份有限公司(湖北省武漢市武昌區東湖西路平安財富中心7樓) | ||||||||||
招標文件售價:¥800/$120 | ||||||||||
其他說明:有意向投標的合格投標人可從2021年3月15日起至2021年3月22日,每日上午8:30分至12:00時,下午14:00分至16:30分(節假日除外)在湖北省成套招標股份有限公司七樓前臺購買招標文件,本招標文件每套售價為800元人民幣或120美元,售后不退(郵購須另加50元人民幣)。現場購買招標文件須提供法人代表授權、本人身份證及開票資料【含1)開票單位名稱、2)納稅人識別號(或統一社會信用代碼)、3)營業執照或稅務登記證地址、4)單位聯系電話及5)開戶行及賬號。】 | ||||||||||
5、投標文件的遞交 | ||||||||||
投標截止時間(開標時間):2021-04-07 09:30 | ||||||||||
投標文件送達地點:湖北省成套招標股份有限公司(湖北省武漢市武昌區東湖西路平安財富中心B座10樓1003會議室) | ||||||||||
開標地點:湖北省成套招標股份有限公司(湖北省武漢市武昌區東湖西路平安財富中心B座10樓1003會議室) | ||||||||||
6、投標人在投標前應在必聯網(https://www.ebnew.com)或機 電產品招標投標電子交易平臺(https://www.chinabidding.com)完成注冊及信息核驗。評標結果將在必聯網和中國國際招標網公示。 | ||||||||||
7、聯系方式 | ||||||||||
招標人:湖北新華印務有限公司 | ||||||||||
地址:武漢市硚口區長風路31號 | ||||||||||
聯系人:楊云良 | ||||||||||
聯系方式 :027-83848909 | ||||||||||
招標代理機構:湖北省成套招標股份有限公司 | ||||||||||
地址:武漢市武昌區東湖西路特2號 | ||||||||||
聯系人:程曦冉、熊皓、涂保學 | ||||||||||
聯系方式 :027-87816666-8302 | ||||||||||
8、匯款方式 | ||||||||||
招標代理機構開戶銀行(人民幣): 中國銀行武漢中南路支行 | ||||||||||
招標代理機構開戶銀行(美元): 招商銀行 | ||||||||||
賬號(人民幣): 572976591978 | ||||||||||
賬號(美元): 127902740532401 |
Hubei Provincial Complete Tendering Co.,Ltd. entrusted by the purchaser, invites sealed bids from eligible suppliers home and abroad for the supply of the following goods and/or service by way of International Competitive Bidding. The tender notice was released on www.chinabidding.com on 2021-03-15. | ||||||||||
1.Bidding Conditions | ||||||||||
Overview:Hubei Xinhua Printing Co., LtdProcurement project of intelligent adhesive binding linkage production line | ||||||||||
Source of Funds:Funds secured | ||||||||||
Description of The Prepared Bidding Conditions:Conditions for solicitation have been met | ||||||||||
2.Bidding Content: | ||||||||||
Bidding No:0668-2140H0300013 | ||||||||||
Project Name:Hubei Xinhua Printing Co., LtdProcurement project of intelligent adhesive binding linkage production line | ||||||||||
Place of Implementation:Wuhan | ||||||||||
List of Products: | ||||||||||
3.Qualification Requirements For Bidder | ||||||||||
Qualifications or Performance:Intelligent glue binding linkage production line | ||||||||||
Joint Bids:NOT Available | ||||||||||
Bid without the bidding documents:NOT Available | ||||||||||
4.Acquisition of Bidding Documents | ||||||||||
Beginning of Selling Bidding Documents:2021-03-15 | ||||||||||
Ending of Selling Bidding Documents:2021-03-22 | ||||||||||
Sell bidding doc online or not:No | ||||||||||
To Obtain:On-site Purchase | ||||||||||
Place:7th floor, Hubei complete bidding Co., Ltd | ||||||||||
Price of Bidding Documents: ¥800/$120 | ||||||||||
Additional Instructions:From March 15, 2021 to March 22, 2021, eligible bidders who are interested in bidding can purchase the bidding documents at the front desk on the seventh floor of Hubei complete bidding Co., Ltd. from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and from 14:00 p.m. to 16:30 p.m. (except holidays). The price of each set of bidding documents is RMB 800 or US $120, which is non refundable after sale (mail order plus RMB 50). The legal representative's authorization, ID card and billing information (including 1) name of billing unit, 2) taxpayer identification number (or unified social credit code), 3) address of business license or tax registration certificate, 4) contact number of unit and 5) bank and account number shall be provided for purchasing bidding documents on site. 】 | ||||||||||
5.Bid Submission | ||||||||||
Deadline for Submitting Bids/Time of Bid Opening (Beijing Time):2021-04-07 09:30 | ||||||||||
Place of Bid:1003, 10th floor, Hubei complete bidding Co., Ltd | ||||||||||
Place of Bid Opening:1003, 10th floor, Hubei complete bidding Co., Ltd | ||||||||||
6.The bidder needs to register before the tender on www.chinabidding.com. And the evaluation results will be released on www.chinabidding.com. |
7.Contact Details | ||||||||||
Purchasers:Hubei Xinhua Printing Co.,Ltd. | ||||||||||
Add.:31 Changfeng Road, Qiaokou District, Wuhan City | ||||||||||
Contact:Yangyunliang | ||||||||||
Tel:027-83848909 | ||||||||||
Bidding Agency:Hubei Provincial Complete Tendering Co.,Ltd. | ||||||||||
Add.:7th floor, block B, Ping'an wealth center, Donghu West Road, Wuchang, Wuhan | ||||||||||
Contact:Chengxiran | ||||||||||
Tel :027-87816666-8302 | ||||||||||
8.Remittance Approach | ||||||||||
Bank(RMB):Bank of China Wuhan Zhongnan road sub branch | ||||||||||
Bank(USD):China Merchants Bank | ||||||||||
Account NO.(RMB):572976591978 | ||||||||||
Account NO.(USD):127902740532401 |